Colonel Leopoldo C. Cancio of the Brooke Army Medical Center in Texas is to give a guest lecture at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham on the US military’s approach to burn care and research.

Dr. Cancio has served as a regimental surgeon during combat operations with the 82d Airborne Division in Panama (1989) and during Operation Desert Storm in Iraq (1990-91).
During the war in Iraq in 2003 he was assigned to Special Operations Command as the Principal Investigator in theatre for the haemostatic dressing human trial.
He was the Director of the US Army Burn Center from January 2003 until July 2004, and is the senior active duty burn surgeon in the US Department of Defense. During 2005, Col. Cancio was deputy commander for clinical services and a trauma surgeon at the 86th Combat Support Hospital in Baghdad.
The lecture is organised by the Royal Centre for Defence Medicine in association with the Healing Foundation, and will be held in RCDM Lecture Theatre 1 on Level 1 of the Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham on Wednesday, 3 October from 17:30 – 18:30.
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