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  5. SiFTi-2
Examining the relationship between neutrophil function and sepsis in adults and children with severe thermal injuries


The SiFTi-2 study has a number of aims: the trial is to validate whether neutrophil function, immature granulocyte count and plasma free DNA levels can be used as early biomarkers of sepsis in burns patients. It also hopes to identify genomic associations with the immune response in post-burn patients, to characterise haemostatic parameters and histone protein levels following burn injury and will investigate tissue regenerative properties following thermal injury. Using these factors, the study hopes to deduce whether these can be used as prognostic indicators in thermal injury.


The study aims to validate neutrophil function, immature granulocyte and plasma free DNA levels as predictive diagnostic biomarkers of sepsis in burn patients. Inclusion criteria includes healthy volunteers, patients aged 5-15 years old with burns affecting 10% or less total body surface area (TBSA) and patients aged 16 or above with burns affecting >15% TBSA. The study involves taking blood, tissue and urine samples. It will be primarily based in University Hospitals Birmingham and Birmingham Children’s hospital and should last for 2 years.

Chief investigator

Chief investigator

Principal investigator

Principal investigator

Current recruitment number