Professor Tony Belli

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Role within SRMRC

Prof Belli is the Director of the SRMRC and heads the neurotrauma research theme that carries out translational research on traumatic brain injury and spinal cord injury. His research interests are in neurobiochemistry and neuromonitoring of acute brain injuries. Working with cerebral microdialysis, he has focused on early markers of tissue damage and on the prevention of secondary injury after trauma and subarachnoid haemorrhage.

Other positions held

  • Professor of Trauma Neurosurgery – Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham
  • Honorary Consultant Neurosurgeon at University Hospitals Birmingham NICE Advisor
  • Member of Quality Care Commission
  • Member of the Leadership Committee for Trauma and Critical Care of the European Association of Neurosurgical Societies
  • Independent Member of the Expert Panel on Concussion and Head Injury of the Football Association and Rugby Football Union
  • Advisor on concussion to the England Cricket Board, British Basketball and GB Rowing
  • Trustee of Headway (Brain Injury charity)
  • Trustee of the Midlands Neuroscience Training and Research Fund
  • Co-Director of the MSc Trauma Sciences programme – University of Birmingham


  • Fellowship in Surgical Neurology (FRCS SN)
  • Fellowship of the Royal College of Surgeons of Glasgow (FRCS)
  • MD (Reactive Oxygen Species damage in brain ischaemia and reperfusion) – Department of Neurosciences, University of Rome ‘Tor Vergata’
  • Degree of Doctor of Medicine and Surgery (summa cum laude) – University of Rome ‘Tor Vergata’

Based at

Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham


Prof Belli graduated from Tor Vergata University in Rome in 1992 with a degree in Medicine and Surgery. He completed a doctoral degree (MD) on neurobiochemistry of brain ischaemia and reperfusion at Tor Vergata University and then moved to the UK in 1994.

He trained as a neurosurgeon at King’s College Hospital, Atkinson Morley’s Hospital, The National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery, Great Ormond Street Hospital, The Royal Free Hospital and Charing Cross Hospital.

Prof Belli is on the editorial board several neurology journals and is an advisor to NICE and the Care Quality Commission.

Contact details
Secretary: N M Bryan
0121 414 3713

Secretary: N M Bryan
0121 414 3713