Dr Yuanwei Xu received his PhD in Scientific Computing at the University of Warwick in 2016. His research involved development and application of a novel Monte Carlo method in computational chemistry, in particular, the effect of helical structure on the aggregation of certain type of membrane protein. After his PhD, he was Research Associate in the Centre for Mathematics of Precision Healthcare, Imperial College London, working on mathematical modelling of infectious disease outbreak reconstruction using epidemiological and pathogen genomic data. He contributed to the development of an open source software package in R, TransPhylo, which can be used to infer transmission networks in ongoing, partially-sampled outbreaks. Dr. Xu’s research interests are computational biology, biomedical informatics and machine learning, in particular, statistical analysis of microbiome data.
Dr Yuanwei Xu is a Data Scientist. He applies statistical and machine learning methods to stratification of patients in mass casualty triage.
Other positions held
Research Fellow in Statistical Computing, Centre for Computational Biology, University of Birmingham.
PhD, Scientific Computing, University of Warwick
MSc, Financial Mathematics, University of Leicester
BSc, Information and Computational Science, BTBU, China
Based at
Institute of Translational Medicine, Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham
Contact details