SRMRC researchers win 1st prize!

It’s been a successful few months for SRMRC researchers. Firstly, Trauma Research Fellow and surgeon, Miss Nabeela Malik and Research Nurse, Colin Bergin won 1st prize for their abstract “Trauma laparotomy in the West Midlands: A multicentre prospective observational study of 3 major trauma centres”, at the West Midlands Surgical Society’s November meeting in Warwick. Trauma laparotomy is a potentially life-saving procedure after someone has experienced abdominal trauma. The team aimed to give an up-to-date account of patient and injury characteristics and outcomes following trauma laparotomy in the West Midlands. They looked at 43 patients who underwent the procedure. They reported that approximately every 4 days a patient required a trauma laparotomy in a Major Trauma Centre in the area. 12% of these patients sadly died. These patients are predominantly young, male, and stabbing was the most common injury. This is an important finding as it concerns a major public health issue in the UK.
Secondly, Dr. Kamal Yakoub won the Sankey Research Prize (Junior) 2020 for his presentation: “Differential Expression of Circulating Inflammatory Proteins Following Sport-Related Traumatic Brain Injury”. Kamal’s presentation discussed how sport-related traumatic brain injury (TBI) causes a complex inflammatory response which leads to brain injury. This response could be used to predict how TBI will progress in different patients and in future, could allow medics to categorise patients with head injuries in to different categories of severity, early. This is a second success in recent times for the RECOS team as Mr Dave Davies was prestigiously awarded “Best abstract in Neurotrauma” at the 19th European Congress of Neurosurgery 2019, held in Dublin.
Well done to all!