Marathon man Ron completes London in under 4 hours!

Congratulations to Research Nurse Ron Carrera, who participated in the 2015 London marathon and raised over £1000 for the charity Trauma Care UK. Ron completed the challenge a full ten minutes ahead of his target time of 4 hours, clocking a fantastic 3:50:04.
Ron said, “The London Marathon was an amazing event to participate in and I’m happy I did my bit to raise money for such a worthy cause. I would like to thank everyone for your support, encouraging words, tips/strategies and donations to my chosen charity.”
And when asked whether he will be participating next year the answer was, “Definitely! And I would encourage anyone else who is thinking about it to do the same.”
The SRMRC will look forward to supporting Ron in his marathon efforts throughout the coming year.
For more information about Trauma Care UK please visit: http://www.traumacare.org.uk/