Roy Curtis
Roy Curtis
Roy Curtis
The pair will be talking about Rory’s care by the NIHR SRMRC team at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham after he suffered a serious brain injury and broken pelvis when his van flipped over on the M42 near Tamworth, Staffordshire and was hit by five vehicles in August 2012.
The 25-year-old footballer woke from an induced coma after six days thinking he was Hollywood actor Matthew McConaughey and speaking fluent French – despite only having a basic grasp from school.
“I cannot remember much but I know in my head I thought I was Matthew McConaughey,” said Rory.
“Then I went through various stages of being different ages. I thought I was 12 or 14, and that I was still at school. I used to cry my eyes out when Mum and Dad left me.
“I’d ask Mum if she’d fed our dog but he’d died three or four years before. As soon as she said that I cried, too. Then my memory clicked in and I thought, ‘Oh yeah, what was that all about?’
“I remember Mum helping me to the toilet and I couldn’t believe who I was looking at when I saw myself in a mirror. I had a scar on my right temple and that side of my hair had been shaved off.
“I didn’t realise until then that I’d had a brain injury. I just thought I was there for a broken hip and elbow.”
When Rory first arrived at QEHB, his parents, Dave and Vera, were approached by Sister Aisling Clarkson, the senior research nurse from NIHR SRMRC trauma research team. They agreed for Rory to be entered into a trial investigating the effectiveness and safety of using a hormone called progesterone to treat patients who have suffered a severe head injury.
Dave described the treatment on critical care as: “The most amazing care; beyond comprehension!”
Rory’s Mum Vera added: “The care Rory received was fantastic and Rory retains information tremendously well. He has an amazing zest for life.
“He won student of the year at his college and all the support from his friends, teammates and family coming to see him every day in hospital was a massive help. They really lifted his spirits.
“He’s an inspiration to us all and Sister Aisling Clarkson is our guardian angel.”