Birmingham Health Partners research showcase

The annual Birmingham Health Partners Research Showcase was held at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Birmingham on May 17th. On the day, hundreds of patients, staff and members of the public found out about the latest breakthroughs and cutting-edge research taking place in the area.
This year’s theme was from “Head to Toe”, with dozens of interactive displays highlighting research developments and advances ranging across the body. The event formed part of the National Institute for Health Research’s “Be Part of Research” campaign, in celebration of International Clinical Trials Day on the 20th of May. Each of the stands was judged by an expert panel of patients, with prizes awarded in two categories.
Members of the NIHR SRMRC, including Clinical Research Fellows, research nurses, clinical trial administrators and coordinators showcased some of the exciting and important trials underway from ‘head to toe’ in a digital form linking each study to parts of the body. SRMRC Clinical Research Fellow, Mr Kamal Yakoub demonstrated some of the work around the inspiring RECOS trial which aims to objectively measure mild traumatic brain injuries. Examples of the SRMRC’s homegrown studies, such as AceticA and Golden Hour were showcased using props, such as a barbecue stand as a talking point in relation to burns incidents. Senior Research Nurse, Ron Carrera, with the support of other SRMRC research nurses, trial coordinators and administrators demonstrated the rationale for the presentation and how it is linked to the SRMRC core trials.
The final prize for Best Overall Exhibit was awarded to the Birmingham Biomedical Research Centre team, with the award for Best Public and Patient Involvement in Research given to the Audiology team.