Accident, Burns and Critical Care Group meet to discuss research

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  5. Accident, Burns and Critical Care Group meet to discuss research
The Accident, Burns and Critical Care (ABC) Group met recently to discuss all things research at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham.

The group, a Patient and Public Involvement (PPI) group, specialises in trauma, burns and critical care and includes patients, carers and members of the public

They came together to hear a series of talks from local researchers from the NIHR Surgical Reconstruction and Microbiology Research Centre (SRMRC) and the Queen Elizabeth Hospital. The group were introduced to new studies as well as being updated on up and running projects, such as the ‘Golden Hour’ study which looks at how the body changes immediately after injury.

The group also had their chance to give some feedback on upcoming studies and were able to offer their advice drawing on their experiences as patients in similar situations, or as carers. This was done through feedback forms, completed individually or in small groups, as well as discussion in the wider group. One planned study they offered feedback on involves the development of a diaphragm exercise device that will be used to keep the diaphragm strong whilst people are on mechanical ventilators in ITU.

Professor Tony Belli, Director of the NIHR SRMRC, said: “Working with patients, carers and members of the public is vital for research. We need to know how studies we are conducting, or plan to conduct, are relevant to the general public and ensure they’re carried out in a way that is comfortable for patients.

“We aim to consult our PPI group as much as is possible and make sure what we are doing is the right thing, carried out in the right way for all the right reasons.”

If you are a former patient, carer or a member of the public with an interest in trauma, burns or critical care research and would like to find out more information on the ABC Group do get in touch

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